Q: When will I hear if my paper has been accepted?
A: We are hoping to let people know by October 30, 2011, but we can’t promise.
Q: Are bursaries available?
A: Unfortunately, we have no bursaries available at this time. We will not know if money is available to help subsidize costs until January, 2012, at the earliest.
Q: Will the conference proceedings be published?
A: We are in the process of figuring out if/how the proceedings will be published. Please stay tuned!
Q: Can I propose a panel for the conference?
A: We have decided, after much discussion, not to accept panel proposals, due to the large number of abstracts we receive.
Q: What are the visa requirements for Canada?
A: Visa requirements for Canada vary depending on where you are travelling from and your citizenship. Detailed information is available at, or from the Canadian Consulate in your home country. If you need a letter of invitation from the committee, please let us know as soon as possible. Visas can take some time, so apply early.